Tuition 2023-2024
Cash Payments
(exact change ONLY), enclose cash in a sealed envelope. Please include the Parents' Names, Address, Student's Name, and Phone # in the envelope. Write the Student's name in the memo line of the check. We cannot process a payment that does not include this information.
Bring your cash payment to Escuelita and enclose it in the locked metal mailbox located to the left of the school entrance door. We no longer accept cash payments that are not in an envelope. Open the drawer and place your payment into the box. Close the drawer. The payment will be behind a locked door, so the payment is safe.
Please make sure your handwriting is legible so that we apply the payment to the correct account.
Again, we will no longer accept payments of cash by hand. This allows us to remain present for the children during school hours. We will either mail or hand you a receipt for your payment when your payment is processed.
Thank you for your timely payments. Your payment directly impacts our ability to provide services.